Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Weatherston trial: Stabbing someone 216 times is wrong. Culprit should be punished, but Otago University need not review its staff-student relationship policy...

The Clayton Weatherston trial has been the talk of the nation over the last few weeks...

Weatherston, 33, was found guilty in the High Court at Christchurch last week of murdering Sophie Elliott by stabbing her 216 times in January last year.

A brief summary of the recent developments:-

No. 1
"Weatherston admitted the killing, but said he was guilty of manslaughter, not murder, attempting to use the partial defence of provocation.

He blamed "the emotional pain that she has caused me over the past year", and said she had attacked him with a pair of scissors."

No. 2
Meanwhile, Otago University has said it would review its staff-student relationships policy following the case.

(Source: "Weatherston 'honest' and 'provoked' - parents", NZPA, available at:

Well, in my humble opinion...
No. 1
it's wrong to kill an ex-lover on the basis of "emotional pain".
Stabbing someone 216 times makes the crime even more appalling *shudder*.

I mean... surely there are other better ways of neutralising the emotional pain?
You can read a book, watch a Lady Gaga MTV, indulge in some Whittaker dark chocs for an instant boost of endorphins... or just spend a night at the White House ;p lol
but, don't kill another human being!

No. 2
It is perhaps not necessary for Otago University to review its staff-student relationship policy.
If it is perfectly ok for a CEO and secretary to date each other in the corporate environment, I feel that it is also ok for a lecturer to date a student.
There are probably many other staff-student relationships that ended well.
Weatherston just happened to be someone who's mentally unstable... unfortunately


  1. the way he presented his case made me so angry, he was laughing and smiling while he had just murdered a beautiful girl, it got me furious, his case of "being provoked" "man slaughter" was absolutely sick, I mean, any-one can walk away from a situation that looks like it can get out of control or at least get help from a third party before it gets ... Read Moreout of hand. I hope that he gets maximum sentence... but even then it wouldn't be enough, for guys like him they should bring back the death sentence. I hope they beat him up real good, when he's inside.

  2. it maybe somewhat interesting to look up the old french laws on crimes of passion and romance. im not justifying anything that this psychopath has done, but it is well known at least in western culture and literature that bad love affairs can severely twist ones soul and perception of reality.
    i dont doubt for one second either that this man being ... Read Morea univercity educated individual would have a notion of romantic suffering and tragedy and with blatant confidence can play on the public and the juries perception of him so he is seen in a way as a "victim" of love.
    nothing new, burn the fucker live imo. then write a book about it and make a movie, think it would do well... ill get started.
