Thursday, July 9, 2009

Almost killed by a 10-day-old Home Choice fan heater

My beloved Home Choice fan heater malfunctioned and turned into a fiery "bread toaster" within 10 days of use :((
I switched on the heater, about to leave my room for a quicke shower...but was fortunate enough to notice a strong odour of burnt plastic emitting from my heater.

I was aghast when I saw the usually fine filaments swelled and turned bright red in colour. If I had not checked the fan heater before leaving for a shower, my room would have caught fire!

I'm extremely lucky to have avery sensitive nose.
Can't bear to imagine the consequences if this were to happen to someone else - especially the elderly & the young kids!


  1. you were lucky with the heater , it could have started a fire

  2. na noy great and they burn electricty

  3. take it back they will replace it

  4. yea do that if it was only 10 days they might look back on theirtrans

  5. Hayden MontgomerieJuly 11, 2009 at 3:56 PM

    Ouch hope that you didn't get hurt!

  6. nice pictures hey!
    I will buy a new camera soon

  7. dont tell me u almost had a terrible accident with the heater?

  8. saw your heater scare..

    lucky u spotted it

  9. so dangerous leh!! throw it d onot?

  10. dont' throw it out, bring it back to the shop and either get your money back or exchange it, to try and get your money back will be your best option, sometimes it takes a while getting it replaced, just depends on where you bought it.

  11. gosh.. it pays to buy a good heater !

  12. It sounds like you're traveling all over the world and doing freelance work, I'm quite jealous!! Used to be quite a traveller before I moved here, life has just gotten very busy here since.

  13. well, if the cost is the same or exceeds the cost of getting a new one you may as well not bother, just make sure you dance on it before throwing it out :), stops other people from using it.

  14. i once melted my heater wires which were in contact with the heater. lucky she had a fire extingusher thingy at home

  15. haha i had one of those crazy home choice heaters i got two months until it had a meltdown with smoke filling my room.
