Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why I chose Great Eastern Life Insurance :)

I guess I'm really really lucky that my siblings are a techie & a finance expert :)) My bro's an Oracle expert & my sis' did ACCA
Bro's doing some really cool projects at an MNC, sis is a top exec at a public-listed company...
There's always someone to help fix the modem/broadband, format com hard disk, telling me what shares/bonds to buy, & which life insurance to choose :) :) :)

When it was my turn to buy a life insurance, I just asked my sis
She calculated & compared the present/future value of dozens of life insurance packages and came up with the conclusion that Great Eastern Life's the best

(I have a complaint though. The Policy Certificate looks so dull, gloomy... it almost looks like a death certificate, touchwood. *cringe* Geez, can't you guys whaking come up with a more colourful design? I know, we all buy life insurance for "that reason"...but c'mon, the policy cert design doesn't have to reflect that!)

By the way, Great Eastern Life is not paying me to endorse their products
I'm just sharing some useful info with you guys, just in case you're shopping for a life insurance & don't have anyone to rely on for advise, apart from insurance agents

I would have bought AIA's insurance had it not been because of my sis' due diligence
cuz AIA's Sales team is excellent
I'm have a soft spot for good customer service...
would I have regretted if I had bought AIA?
I don't know ;)
...umm, if I know for sure that Uncle Sam's gonna bail us out forever, then I'd probably go for AIA

Friday, December 18, 2009

5-star McDonald's outlet

The McDonald's on George St (Sydney) isn't like a typical fast food outlet. The deco is just way too "5-star"
Ahhh, I'm not complaining, though ;) hehe

But, having heard rumours about McD's "fake burger cheese", I was just a "little bit" worried that the chandeliers would break and land on my head

Absolutely loved the ambience
Somehow, the deco made me think of Phantom of the Opera

Comfy cushioned walls :)

Television screens :)

Free wi-fi :)

Oh, McD, even if you're indeed guilty of serving us fake orange-colour cheese all these years, I'd still love you for this beautiful 5-star outlet on George Street!:)

I know it sounds crazy, but I do think that the fake cheese taste good... ;p

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cousin and nephews :)

Was mucking around with my cousin & nephews :)

My cousin (Trist) from Cheras & my sis' 9-year -old son (Meng Kit) :)

Meng Kit's brother, Meng Jun - watching tv
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Thursday, December 3, 2009

'Sun-Maid girl' makeover sparks controversy

Hey peeps, I'm now indulging in trashy news & enjoying every single moment of it:)
A quick run-through on what's new on Yahoo Finance
- the Sun Maid raisin girl's new look :)

I absolutely love it!:)
but the new makeover has drawn criticisms ..."that the newly made-over raisin girl looks like a Barbie Doll in Amish attire" (by the way, what's Amish?;p Google l8er)

The blog for conservative magazine The Weekly Standard noted that the new Sun-Maid girl looks "as if Julia Roberts decided to don a red bonnet and start picking grapes,"
(Hey, what's wrong with that? I absolutely like Julia Roberts. She's the perfect actress- perfect voice, good looks & good acting skills)
while the feminist website Jezebel.com remarked that it looks as if she's had “some implants.”
(Ok... girls, I think having implants is a sign of female liberation. So, don't get all upset. Guys have pec implants too, don't they? but it doesn't make them any less disempowered)

Since 1915, the face of Sun-Maid has been Lorraine Collett Petersen, who, according to the company's website , "was discovered drying her black hair curls in the sunny backyard of her parents' home in Fresno, California."
Petersen was then asked to pose for a watercolor painting holding a basket of grapes while wearing a sunbonnet.
In the years since, the company has tweaked its trademark design occasionally to keep up with the times, but every variation has always been based on the original pose by Petersen.
While the Sun Maid girl had a "makeover", Kim Kardashian had a "makeunder"
Don't know who Kim is but have seen her pics in girly mags like New Idea while waiting for my turn in supermarkets & thought she has nice boobs

I think she looks even better without heavy make-up
A bit like an exotic Middle Eastern belly dancer

More funny sightings in Sydney;)

"BUTT AID" diaper rash ointment

Optic illusion: "Happy HOOKERS" I mean HOCKERS" signboard

Why on earth would you name a kebab shop "Chicken Spot"???

Funny menu :)

"Salmon avocado big sushi roll"
"Grilled eel big sushi roll"
"Mixed sashimi big sushi roll"

Ok, I know you're like...big ;p
but you don't have to mention it all the time, do you?

Yes, I know they're very fresh

Sleepy sleepy sleepy...zzz
continue later ;p

G'nite, peeps
sweet dreams


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Delucas Cafe, ASB Bank Tower, Albert St, Auckland City

Delucas Cafe is like a woman having her PMS ;p
- unpredictable
sometimes, the food portions are unbelievably huge,
sometimes, they are so tiny...
the prices remain the same - regardless of the portion
the food variety is impressive
but the QC (quality control) is... nada

Sometimes, the food is so good that every bite tastes heavenly
Sometimes, you pay a premium for soggy stuff that are left over from the previous days

The cheese scones on 19th Aug 2009 tasted pretty good

Skip the quiches and pies - too much pastry & too little fillings
The food always look good, though :)

**My sincere apology for the sexist interlude about PMS - in case any of you might have been hurt by the joke ;p
The purpose of this blog is to provide quick entertaining read for web users out there :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Kings Cross: Journey to... Enlightenment :P

Kings Cross is such a unique place :) hehe
Came across a Book Exchange store that isn't exactly a "book exchange" store

No books (Errm, who'd bother to read books when they can get free porn vid clips on YouTube?;p)
Just some comfy looking footwear cheekily named "Big Tits Slippers" ;p

Also came across a Tool Shed that's quite unlike other toolsheds I've seen in my life

Oh yes, you can find a wide array of tools in there
-eg, a rubber duckie ;p

Yes, rubber duckie ;p
I find it very ironic...
that an adult toy shop is selling kids' toys (I was expecting something more 'adult'... like kangaroo scrotums)

and that a sundry shop sells penis-shaped water guns (below). Ermm, wtf?

Lol :), why would an adult want a rubber duckie?
why would a 3-year-old boy want a penis-shaped water gun?

Pie Face :) - a cafe like no other

Pie Face doesn't just sell pies!
It probably has the widest selection of goodies compared to 99% of all other cafes in Sydney - approx. 30-60 items in any outlet.

...sanwiches, pies, cakes, cookies, muffins... *slurp*

I was in one of those occasional "healthy phase" when I chanced upon Pie Face but the goodies were to tempting so I couldn't help but grabbed myself a slice of "Chocolate Flourless Cake"
It's a novelty to me :)
You see, I've never tried any "flourless" cake before

Yes, it's yummy :) but if it were a lot more chocolatey & less sugary, it'd have been "perfect"!
I liked it so much that I went back again the next day to try the Cherry Muffin (made with fresh cherries :) yumm)

Another thing that I like about Pie Face is the cheery atmosphere:)

Pie Face was founded in 2003 by Betty Fong and Wayne Homschek. Prior to launching Pie Face, the founders were best known for their designer fashion label, Paablo Nevada.

At one of their fashion shows, they decided to serve pies to the audience to get everyone in the mood. The pies were very well received, which got them thinking pies vs frocks...

A couple of months later, the two were having dinner and talking pies when they conceived the idea of putting faces on pies to determine thier flavour.

Friday, October 30, 2009

World's best SEAFOOD @ Balkan Restaurant, Sydney

The Original Balkan Restaurant grill in Darlinghurst was established in 1964 and has been praised for over 45 years for its great atmosphere, excellent European style dishes and large servings.

Seafood platter

Famous for its authentic European style food which is prepared right at the window on the street-front grills, allowing everyone to have a look at chefs preparing ones favourite dishes.

The street-front grills...

My favourite dish:)
Grilled king prawns with chilli & olive oil dressing

Some of the special dishes that have come to hold the pride of place as the specialties of this restaurant are spicy sausages, pork on skewers, poached Tasmanian mussels, and whole Barramundi.

Seafool pasta - with abalone, king prawns , mussels, scallops, etc

Abalones :)))) *yum*

succulent prawns :))

"Balkan Grill Platter"
- juicy king prawns, sole, squid...

Balkan Restaurant's simple, stylish menu also offers freshly prepared salad of cabbage and potato which is served with the meats and seafoods barbecued on the "Balkan Grill".

A quck glimpse of the entree and dessert selections :)
Apple strudel

Croation sweets

Tiramisu :)

  Soft homemade bread

Crunchy & aromatic garlic bread with fresh herbs:)

I like the coat hangers on the wall :) very handy

217 Oxford St,
Darlinghurst 2010 NSW

Business hours:
Mon- Thur 6pm to 11pm
Fri-Sat 12pm to 12am
Sun 12pm to 11pm