Wednesday, October 6, 2010

'Metrocard' art :)

I wonder how many Metrocards are thrown away in NY every month...
Here's a bicycle decorated with used Metrocards:)
It's a brilliant idea
it'd be interesting to see a Metrocard-themed shop/restaurant some day
The first time I came across "Babies R Us", I was quite amused:)
I was used to seeing "Toys R Us" stores in shopping malls, but I didn't know that "Babies R Us" stores exist...until 3 months ago

A poster found on NYC train...
"Please Don't Hold the Doors
You delay the train and everyone on it.
Help this train and the next one stay on schedule.
Thousands of trains are delayed every month due to customers holding doors."

Again...I found this amusing, because I used to be one of the culprits who delayed trains, lol:p
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Free wi-fi @ JFK Airport, NY :)

The free wi-fi's only for 20 minutes...but still, it's free :)
The JFK Airport departure terminal is really quite nice
Lotss of restaurants...
Pleasant deco... (I like the poster of the fish :) )
Souvenir shops with the signature "I heart NY" t-shirts
A "caviar bar"
It's my first time seeing a caviar bar & it amazes me how a business model that's based entirely on serving caviar & wine survives (especially at an airport terminal)!
that place is so darn expensive
wouldn't people rather have a really nice meal at Haru's, Buddakan, or Maialino?
or purchase something with more "volume" -like, a nice tailor-made suit?
okay,..maybe those people were just sitting there having drinks & not eating caviar
well, then shouldn't "caviar bars" offer more food items on their menu?

I have a hard time understanding the rationale behind "caviar bars"
I know it's meant to be classy, sophisticated, etc etc
but eating caviar at a fine-dining restaurant is different!
you'll probably have caviar & then followed by entree
so, you needn't worry about having bits of black eggs sticking in between your teeth
I guess you're at a "caviar bar" with your family, then it really doesn't matter even if you coloured your tongue black
that caviar bar is no "family dining place"
no no no

oh...well, I digressed :p
what else is in JFK?
- CNN Newsstand