Monday, June 21, 2010

"Bagels" are the new (Dunkin) "Donuts"?

In Malaysia, Dunkin Donuts sells donuts
In Australia, New Zealand, Singapore + anywhere else, I bet DD sells donuts
But in the US, Dunkin Donuts no longer sells donuts as much as it used to
Walk into a Dunkin Donut shop in New York 
- you'll see...
"flatbread sandwich with eggwhites" 
(very healthy, I'm not complaining :) I hardly eat donuts. I'm glad DD has other healthier items on the menu, but the egg whites taste 'weird' - spongy. I hope they're real eggs;p)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Malaysian Organ Donor Card :)

I'm lucky to have very liberal parents.
I signed up as an organ donor back in 2006, and I still carry the Malaysian Organ Donor Card with me wherever I go.
Organ donation is against my parents' religious practices, but they didn't stop me from wanting to be an organ donor.
Of course, I wouldn't dream of donating parts of my kidney as long as I'm alive :p
I'm not that selfless...
but when I'm gone from this planet, I'd like the idea of being able to have my body parts reused to save other people's lives - eyeballs, teeth, heart, lungs, intestines ;p anything - rather than letting them go to waste

That's a very radical thing for a Chinese to do.
Chinese culture believe in burying or cremating bodies of dead people.
When it's my turn to leave this planet some day, I wouldn't want a funeral.
I'm supposed to want a funeral, shouldn't I?
After all, people that I know of who passed away - relatives, neighbours, etc - all of them had funerals.

When I was in school, I used to be more religious (I think ;p). For instance, I'd burn incense during exam period because Mum told me that I'd get better grades;p ;p lol

I stopped doing it when I was 14 and an avid reader of the Environment column in The Star newspaper - I came across an article about how incense-burning cause pollution & cancer.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fake "breakfast seafood" in Manhattan :p

For weeks, I had been dying to try the breakfast 'lobsters' served only at one Japanese-owned cafe that I pass by quite often in midtown Manhattan.
When I finally tried the "lobsters", I realised that they're actually 'lobster cakes' : MSG-laden flour + artificial colouring & loads of other chemicals
They look like real lobsters, don't they?
But that fake stuff taste disgusting. They should be banned (at least, from the breakfast menu)!
Silly me, I was craving so much for seafood that I bought 3 of the fake lobs
Other food items at the Old Bridge Gourmet Deli are probably okay
The ambiance is good
Free water for diners
But at the moment I'm still very traumatized by the "fake seafood experience", I don't thimk I'm likely to revisit that deli anytime soon

Thanks, Old Bridge
From now on I'll stick to bagels & eggs for breakfast
I miss New Zealand yogurt ;p
NZ's got the best yogurt in the whole world

American "Tuk-Tuk"s?

Wasn't expecting to find "Tuk-tuk" carriages in New York :)
I was taking a walk in Central Park and saw these!-
There you have it :) It's the American version of Tuk-tuks
This reminds me of the New Zealand BAXIs